Call for Papers: Peace, Conflict & Development
PC&D is an open-access journal focusing on contemporary issues in conflict and peace studies. We aim to publish innovative and accessible writing on a wide range of topics human rights, democracy and democratisation, conflict resolution, environment, security, war, culture, identity and community, and other related areas of interest. The journal is published twice annually, in January and July. Papers for Issue #7 are now requested, to be received no later than Friday 2nd December. Authors should ensure that they have read and observed the guidelines for submission (see below). Please include a correspondence address and email address with your manuscript. We publish four main types of work:
Academic Essays
Submissions should be between 3-8000 words in length. Essays that are short and readable are preferred.
Fieldwork Reports
The journal provides a space for short reports from individuals researchers or practitioners - who have been working in the field¹. Reports can cover practical, methodological, ethical, or substantive issues arising from the fieldwork experience. Fieldwork reports should be between 2-3000 words in length.
Book reviews / replies
The Journal will also consider other articles, such as book reviews or replies to previously published articles (extracted from the call).