Pursuing Peace: World Vision Announces First Annual Peace Prize
The first annual World Vision International Peace Prize, open to organisations and individuals both internal and external to World Vision, will be granted on the International Day of Peace in 2009. The Peace Prize is given in honour and memory of Steve Williams (1951-2007). The Peace Prize consists of two awards:
A Peacebuilding Award recognises the work of an agency or organization.
A Peacemaking Award honours an individual.
Find out more about these awards in the Guidelines. There you\'ll find:
- guidelines for the awards in English, French, Spanish
The first annual World Vision International Peace Prize, open to organisations and individuals both internal and external to World Vision, will be granted on the International Day of Peace in 2009. The Peace Prize is given in honour and memory of Steve Williams (1951-2007). The Peace Prize consists of two awards:
A Peacebuilding Award recognises the work of an agency or organization.
A Peacemaking Award honours an individual.
Find out more about these awards in the Guidelines. There you\'ll find:
- guidelines for the awards in English, French, Spanish
- the form to nominate an individual: English, French, Spanish
- the form to nominate an organisation: English, French, Spanish
- a printable poster
Deadline for nominations is February 15, 2009. Questions can be addressed to wvi_peaceprize@wvi.org.