Platform Peaceful Conflict Transformation

About us

The Platform

Who we are

The Platform Peaceful Conflict Transformation (PZKB) is a network of German organisations and individuals for the promotion of civil conflict transformation. As such it pursues the goal of preventing, resolving and working on violent conflicts. Since its foundation in 1998, the Platform has been working for the prioritisation and increased application of diverse approaches of civil conflict transformation. To this end, it is necessary that non-governmental organisations become more involved and that the capacities of societies for constructive conflict management as a whole are strengthened.

The Platform offers its members the space for such engagement. It connects and strengthens the civil society community, sets new topics in the social and political sphere and creates spaces for the exchange of information and cooperation between civil society and political stakeholders.

The platform also serves as a clearing house for the exchange of experience and knowledge on civil conflict transformation. In cooperation with the platform members, the staff offers support in finding experts.

Become a member

Our Network


Currently, around 110 individuals and 60 organisations, groups and institutions are involved within the platform. Our members come from different fields of work, but mainly from peace work, conflict transformation/mediation, human rights work, humanitarian aid, development cooperation and academia.

The platform offers its members a variety of opportunities for joint initiatives and cooperation, for example in the form of events and background discussions, or project and working groups. At the annual plenary, the current challenges of civil conflict transformation are analysed from a practice-related and scientific perspective in order to develop political and societal action plans.

Learn more about our members

Donations and Grants

Funding and Membership Fees

The Platform is financed by membership fees and project grants. Donations to support the work of the network are very welcome and are tax deductible.

The minimum annual membership fee is:
for individuals 80 €
for organisations from 90 €

Further details on membership can be found in the membership forms.

For those interested in supporting the work of the Platform without being able or willing to actively participate as a member, we offer supporting memberships. The staff can provide further information.

Make a donation
What we stand for

The Charter

The Charter was adopted when the Platform ZKB was founded in 1998 and still serves as its unifying policy document today. Every new member agrees to the Charter.


On the threshold of the 21st century, the world is facing intolerable levels of violence, especially in intra-state conflicts. Reducing and overcoming this violence requires, as a matter of priority and increasingly, the development of diverse approaches to civil conflict transformation. To this end, it is necessary that non-governmental organisations become increasingly involved and that the capacity in society as a whole for constructive conflict management is strengthened.

The Charter

Our Members



Arajärvi Outi
Arnold Dr. Martin
Austin Beatrix
Bähr Elisabeth
Beck Gertraud Diana
Bellmer, Rasmus
Bent, Gesa
Birckenbach Hanne-Margret
Bleil-Rommé Melanie
Böge Volker
Bongard, Christoph
Brinkmann Cornelia
Bröcker, Ingo
Brzoska Dr. Michael
Buckley-Zistel Susanne
Buddendieck Kathrin
Calließ Dr. Gretl
Christaller Renate
Cichos Sandra
Coni-Zimmer, Melanie
Debiel Tobias
Diaz Juan
Diepmans Lennart
Dieterich Andreas
Duda Alexander Nikolaj
Englert Annette
Eser, Björn
Evers Dr. Tilmann


Färber, Leonard
Fehl Julia
Felleisen Birgit
Fickel Thomas
Finckh-Krämer Ute
Frey Edith und Ulrich
Fründt Sabine
Gäth Birte
Haars Hedda
Hauswedell Dr. Corinna
Heinrich Wolfgang
Helmschrott Simone
Hopp Nishanka Ulrike
Huchel Clemens
Jaberg Dr., Sabine
Jäger Daniel
Janassary Anita
Lepper, Kerstin


Kasch Volker
Kemper Barbara
Klein Lars
Klimisch Jan-Thilo
Klotz Ursula
Knebel Günter
Koltermann Felix
Kopper Elise
Kruschwitz Maxim
Kuller Thomas
Kunter Björn
Lammers Christiane
Laur, Jonas
Lepperhoff Dorothee
Mangold Jochen
Mehl Regine
Michel Tannas
Mickley Dr. Angela
Mittlmeier Klaus
Mohni Christoph
Monse Julius
Mukasa-Erben Irene
Nachtwei Winfried
Nanni Sara
Neu Elke
Neumann Jochen
Nouripour Omid
Pastoors Daniela
Petersen, Tshiamo
Petry Martin
Pfeffer Johanna
Ramstedt Dr. Martin
Remmert-Fontes Inge
Reuter Sven
Rieche Bernd
Ries Matthias
Roggenbuck Beate
Ronnefeldt Clemens
Ropers Dr. Norbert
Rottmann, Sigrun


Sambale Carole
Schäfer Paul
Scheffzik, Benjamin
Schlimpert, Christoph
Schmitz Ginger
Schmitz Joachim
Schnabel, Simone
Schneckener Dr. Ulrich
Schneider Stefan
Schulze Erika
Seidel Dr. Katrin
Senghaas Dr. Dieter und Dr. Eva
Sichert Simon M.
Smith Annedore
Späker Bonasande
Spelten Angelika
Sperber, Anna
Spohr Heike
Steg Hauke
Steinweg Reiner
Strohscheidt Elisabeth
Strumpf, Nina
Tempel Helga
Thie Dr. Guenther
Trittmann Saskia
Trittmann Uwe
Uhl, Aksel
Unger Barbara
Vigier Corinna
Vogelei Carolin
Vogler Kathrin
von Holtz Ottmar
Wegner-Kirchhoff Sabine
Werthes Sascha
Werthmann Christoph
Wiebering Kees
Wohland Ulrich
Zupan, Natascha






Through its participation in various formal and informal working groups and associations, the Platform ZKB has an impact beyond its own network. It brings the expertise of its members into expert discussions and peace-related debates and contributes to the shaping of a new peace policy at national and international level.



Platform ZKB is a member of FriEnt together with the Berghof Foundation. The Working Group on Peace and Development is an association of state organisations, church aid agencies, civil society networks and political foundations. FriEnt stands for joint learning and opens the space for critical reflection between state and civil society actors in order to discuss current peace and development policy challenges at eye level.


Advisory Board ZKP

The Advisory Board to the Federal Government for Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding

The Platform ZKB is a member of the Advisory Board for Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding. The Advisory Board pools and develops civil society and academic expertise and provides confidential, expert support and conceptual development for the Federal Government's engagement in civilian crisis prevention, conflict management and peacebuilding. Within the framework of its mandate, it accompanies the implementation of the guidelines "Preventing Crises, Resolving Conflicts, Building Peace" adopted in 2017.



European Peacebuilding Liaison Office

Since March 2019, Platform ZKB has been a member of the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO) in Brussels. EPLO is an independent civil society platform of European NGOs, NGO networks and think tanks working for peacebuilding and the prevention of violent conflicts. The Platform's representation at EPLO is closely accompanied by the Working Group Peacebuilding in Europe.

Netzwerk Agenda 2030

Agenda 2030 Network

Sustainable Development

The ZKB Platform is a member of the 2030 Agenda Network, which advocates for the ambitious implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in and by Germany. In this context, the Platform is particularly committed to the peace dimension of the Agenda and the implementation of Goal 16, "Peace, Justice and Sustainable Institutions". The Network develops its own concepts and proposals to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals are achieved quickly and lobbies political decision-makers for a shift towards sustainability. Once a year, members of the network publish the machbar report, which examines sustainability issues from different perspectives.
