Action Plan 'Civilian Crisis Prevention'
On 31 March 2006 the German federal cabinet finalized its first Report of the Federal Government to the German Parliament (Bundestag) on the implementation of the Action Plan 'Civilian Crisis Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Peace-Building'. The report summarizes the implementation period of May 2004 to April 2006. Parliament is expected to discuss the report in various technical committees after the summer break. The implementation report is based on an intensive interministerial coordination effort and reveals an impressive array of activities related crisis and conflict prevention, as well as post conflict reconciliation, which reach far beyond the traditional spheres of foreign, security, and development policies. Chapter 8 is concerned with the topics of 'Environment and Resource Preservation in Crisis Prevention' and 'Environmental Cooperation as Catalysts for Peace Processes'. It lists initiatives and projects, which the German Federal Government supports in these areas. In its next edition, this newsletter will contain a thorough analysis of the \'environmental chapter\' of the implementation report (extracted from the newsletter 'Environment, Conflict, and Cooperation' - published by Adelphi Research)