11. Juni 2019

Call for Abstracts: Conflict-Sensitive Journalism

This two-day research conference will generate academic insights on practicing journalism and communication in a conflict setting, increasing the professionalization of journalism in general, and contributing to peace building in conflict areas such as Mindanao. The conference will delve into three research themes: 1. Power of the media: agenda-setting and effects, 2. Theory meets reality: Industry practices and emerging trends, 3. Journalism, culture and conflict: Focus on the Philippines.

The Conference is a joint initiative of PECOJON – the Peace and Conflict Journalist Network Philippines, Media Educators of Mindanao (MEM) Inc and forumZFD, in partnership with Asia Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) and the Asian Institute for Journalism and Communication (AIJC).

Deadline Abstract Submission for Philippine CSJ Talent Program: July 21, 2019
Early Bird Registration Deadline: September 1, 2019*
Final Abstract Submission Deadline: November 15, 2019

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