22. September 2006

Call for applications - Ph. D grants and Postdoctoral fellowship

The trans-disciplinary Centre 'Migrations, Asylum and Multiculturalism' (MAM) of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) invites application for 3 Ph. D grants (law, anthropology, social psychology) and 2 postdoctoral fellowships for the research : 'Outsiders in Europe. The Foreigner and the \'Other\' in the Process of Changing Rules and Identities'.
The Ph. D grants (1150 euros per month) are offered for a 4-year period, and must lead to the completion of a Ph. D. Contracts will start on 01 January 2007.

The trans-disciplinary Centre 'Migrations, Asylum and Multiculturalism' (MAM) of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) invites application for 3 Ph. D grants (law, anthropology, social psychology) and 2 postdoctoral fellowships for the research : 'Outsiders in Europe. The Foreigner and the \'Other\' in the Process of Changing Rules and Identities'.
The Ph. D grants (1150 euros per month) are offered for a 4-year period, and must lead to the completion of a Ph. D. Contracts will start on 01 January 2007.
The Postdoctoral fellowship grants (1.800 euros per month) are offered for a 3-year period, Contracts will start on 01 September 2007.
Applicants must have a fluent knowledge of both English and French and be willing to reside in Brussels for the whole duration of the contract.
Applications (CV and a 1000-words on one of the specific research project) must be sent to: before 15 October June 2006 for the Ph. D grants and before the 1 December for the Postdoctoral fellowship. Selected applicants will be invited to an interview.