1. April 2012

Call for Panels: New Frontiers for Peacebuilding: Hybridity, Governance, and Local Agency

The 2012 New Frontiers for Peacebuilding Conference at the University of Mancester (UK) seeks to re-examine interventionary paradigms, approaches and practices by highlighting the importance of and tensions between governance and local level agency, and the polarised and resistant discourses which surround both. Open to both scholars (including post-graduate students) and practitioners, it is envisaged that submissions will contribute to the development of more innovative frameworks and concepts in peace and conflict studies.


Conference Themes

- The dynamics of hybridity in peace and conflict;

- Emergent States/ polities and Statebuilding;

- Indigenous Peacebuilding, Local Ownership, and Autonomy;

- Local Resistance and International Institutions;

- Security and Insecurity in Peacebuilding Contexts;

- Peacebuilding vs. Statebuilding I: civil society, democratisation;

- Peacebuilding vs. Statebuilding II: security, rule of law;

- The Local and International Interface; Impact in International


Organisation/ Institutions

- New voices in peacebuilding and development

- Post-liberal Forms of Peace

- The epistemology of peacebuilding, statebuilding, and development

- The political economy of peacebuilding, statebuilding, and development


Proposal Submission

The organizers welcome panel suggestions of up to four participants, and proposals for individual papers. Abstracts for papers should be 150 words, while panel proposals should be 200-300 words plus abstracts for each paper. All abstracts should be submitted to by May 31st 2012. Selected applicants will be informed by June 15th, 2012.



The best papers from this conference (according to the perspective of the organisers, editors, and peer reviewers) may be solicited for publication in Peacebuilding We also encourage submissions in general to the new journal 'Peacebuilding'. The first issue will be published in January 2013. These outputs will be edited and overseen by an overlapping editorial team led by the organisers. For graduate participants/presenters, the organisational committee offers to publish the best graduate paper in Peacebuilding.


Full call - download