22. Februar 2011

Call for Papers for the next two Issues of Security + Peace

S+F is the leading German journal for peace research and security policy. S+F aims to serve as a forum of analysis, insider reports and opinion pieces for research and politics linking civil society and the armed forces. Decisions on publication are made on the basis of the contribution of a text to national and international discussions on peace and security issues, considering scientific aspects of arms control to questions of nation-building in post-war societies. Every issue of S+F is focused on a particular theme. In addition, texts addressing general aspects of peace and security research are also published. Authors can choose to have the text evaluated by the publisher and editorial team or by an external evaluation process (double-blind peer-review), the latter is more time intensive (for the evaluation process, revision, etc.). S+F intends to increase the number of externally evaluated contributions but will continue to publish texts which have been assessed by the editorial team and the publisher responsible for the issue. The “deadlines” listed below are for contributions for a specific theme. Contributions on other topics can be made at any time.
Call for Papers/ Publisher and editorial team call for contributions

The next issues of S+F will have the following themes:

4/2011: After Conscription – Implications for the Armed Forces, Deadline 15 August 2011

1/2012: Conflict in Africa – Regional and International Dimensions, Deadline 30 October 2011
Texts may be written in English or German and should be between 25,000-30,000 characters long (incl. spaces). Further information for authors can be found on the magazine website under “Notes to Authors”.
Please direct your queries to: info(at)

Articles of the journal S+F are entered in various national and international bibliographie databases. Among them are Online Contents OLC-SSG Politikwissenschaft und Friedensforschung (Political Science and Peace Research), PAIS (Public Affairs Information SerVice) International Database, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts and World Affairs Online (by the Fachinformationsverbund Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde FIV I The German Information Network International Relations and Area Studies) (see also