15. Januar 2010

Call for Papers: 'Gender and Conflict'

'Gender and Conflict': Special issue of Feminist Review Feminist Review is an interdisciplinary, agenda-setting publication that insists on the theoretical and strategic centrality of gender in all its complexity. By encouraging special attention to the ways in which gender, race, ethnicity, and sexuality intersect, this special issue seeks to explore the complex and multiple ways in which gender as an analytical lens can enhance interdisciplinary understandings of conflict and political violence. Contributions might include explorations of the following questions: - What methodologies and theoretical approaches are best suited to illuminating the ways in which gender, race, ethnicity, and sexuality intersect or become mutually constitutive in conditions of political violence? - In seeking to better understand both gender and political violence, how can the relationship(s) between feminist theory(ies) and activism be conceived? - How have developments in science (forensics, weaponry, information and communication technologies) affected the nature of violent conflict and its aftermaths? How are these gendered? - How do ideas about gender identity figure in personal narratives of conflict? How do these relate to the various ways in which gender identities are strategically represented by state and non-state actors? - How do experiences and practices of political violence organise the production and maintenance of gender roles? What are the embodied dimensions? The performative? - How do women and men differently accommodate and acclimatize to prolonged conflict? - How do (inter)national (and multiple) media forms construct particular gendered understandings of actors in conflict? - What are the gender dimensions of commemorations of political violence and victims of conflict? The above list is not exhaustive and the guest editors would welcome submissions from scholars in politics, anthropology, gender and sexuality studies, history, human rights studies, science and technology studies, International Relations, development and other interdisciplinary fields. The special issue invites contributions that offer new theoretical insights into and/or empirical observations of the violent practices that regulate gender and the gendered logics that sustain conflict. Please send abstracts of no more than 500 words to Lori Allen ( and Laura J. Shepherd ( by February 1st 2010.