Call for Papers: Transnational Relations of Religion and Conflict
With social processes increasingly transcending political and geographic boundaries, religion does not remain unaffected. On the contrary, due to most religions' universal claims and respective transnational identities, transnational dynamics concern religion in particular. It is thus not surprising that religion in its dimensions such as identity, practice, doctrine or spirituality serves as substantial a conflict factor that drives related conflict dynamics beyond state borders. Among others, transnational religious movements, organizations, networks and communities challenge not only states' sovereignty claims, but also concern public security and societal cohesion. These dynamics question traditionally established hierarchies and negotiated leadership structures alike.
This panel is interested in the various manifestations of transnational relations between conflicts with religious dimensions. Contributions might focus on conflict situations involving minority or migrant communities, transnational practices, narratives, movements, organizations, transnationally influential individuals or international organizations.The panel is open to contributions from all academic disciplines.
Chairs: Dr. Maximilian Lakitsch (University of Graz) & Mag. Kerstin Wonisch MA (EURAC Bolzano)
In order to submit your proposal, send and abstract of not more than 200 words to and
The deadline for the submission is 17 January 2020.