11. Dezember 2006

Call for Papers - War, Virtual War and Human Security

4th Global Conference War, Virtual War and Human Security, Wednesday 2nd May - Saturday 5th May 2007, Hungary, Budapest

4th Global Conference War, Virtual War and Human Security, Wednesday 2nd May - Saturday 5th May 2007, Hungary, Budapest
Is war an extension of politics by other means? The locomotive of technology? Is it humankind in its most natural state; or is human society - despite perceptions and ongoing conflict around the world today - actually moving toward an aversion to war and a state of peace? This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary conference seeks to provide a challenging forum for the examination and evaluation of the nature, purpose and experience of war, and its impacts on all aspects of communities across the world. Viewing war as a multi-layered phenomenon, the conference series seeks to explore the historical, legal, social, human, religious, economic, and political contexts of conflicts, and assess the place of art, journalism, literature, music, the media and the internet in representation and interpretation of the experience of warfare.
In particular papers, workshops, reports, and presentations are invited on any of the following themes:
1. How Do We Talk about War?
2. Representations and Experiences
3. History and Development of Warfare and War Fighting.
4. Extent, Conduct and Morality
5. Rights and Security
6. The Boundaries of War
7. Prevention and Peace
8. Non-state Actors and NGOs in War
9. Future War: Revolutions in Military Affairs: Emerging Types of Warfare.
The Steering Group particularly welcomes the submission of pre-formed panel proposals. Papers will also be considered on any related theme. 300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 12th January 2007. If an abstract is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper should be submitted by Friday 13th April 2007.
300 word abstracts should be submitted to the Organising Joint Chairs; abstracts may be in Word, WordPerfect, PDF or RTF formats.
Organising Chairs:
- Graeme Goldsworthy, Harvard Medical School, Vrij Universiteit Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam, Healthnet-TPO, Netherlands, E-Mail:
- Andrew Wilson, Professor of Strategy, Strategy and Policy Department, United States Naval War College, USA, E-Mail:
- Rob Fisher, Inter-Disciplinary.Net, Priory House, Wroslyn Road, Freeland, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, E-Mail: