14. September 2008

Call for Peace Newsletter Articles - Next Issue: 'Oil: A Curse or a Blessing'

(What follows is the text of the call:)
The M.A. Peace and Conflict Studies Programme is a budding programme with the mission of contributing to the intellectual development and practice of peace and non-violence through teaching, research, publication and out-reach activities for sustainable societal development.
One of our core goals and activities is to sensitize the community about peace and conflict issues. The peace newsletter which is produced quarterly is one way of achieving this goal.

(What follows is the text of the call:)
The M.A. Peace and Conflict Studies Programme is a budding programme with the mission of contributing to the intellectual development and practice of peace and non-violence through teaching, research, publication and out-reach activities for sustainable societal development.
One of our core goals and activities is to sensitize the community about peace and conflict issues. The peace newsletter which is produced quarterly is one way of achieving this goal.
You are therefore requested to join this noble cause by contributing to our newsletter. The theme for this issue is 'Oil: A Curse or a Blessing'.
The article should be between 500- 2500 words. All submissions should be in word format, kindly submit both soft and hard copies in \'Garamond\' font style.
Please submit inquiries or submissions by 20th September, 2008. Please do send references to your recent publications, announcements of upcoming events or calls for papers that may be of interest to our members/readers. Responses to essays in the newsletter, reviews of books and essays or reports on resources, ideas, and events are also welcome.
Please feel free to send any number of articles regarding peace and conflict issues. You can send submissions to us via e-mail at OR
We look forward to receiving your contributions.
Thank You: Judith Sheenah Komuhangi, Project Officer, +256-77-2415939; Jackie Kintu, Project Officer; +256-77-2421186
Makerere University, Peace and Conflict Studies Programme, Faculty of Arts, Department of Religious Studies, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala