19. März 2008

Call for Proposals 'Instrument for Stability - Peace-building Partnership Support'

Call for Proposals \'Instrument for Stability - Peace-building Partnership Support\'
The European Commission is pleased to announce a new Call for Proposals entitled 'Instrument for Stability - Crisis Preparedness Component - Annual Action Programmes 2007- 2008 - Peace-building Partnership Support'

Call for Proposals \'Instrument for Stability - Peace-building Partnership Support\'
The European Commission is pleased to announce a new Call for Proposals entitled 'Instrument for Stability - Crisis Preparedness Component - Annual Action Programmes 2007- 2008 - Peace-building Partnership Support'
The Peace-building Partnership - established under the crisis-preparedness component of the Instrument for Stability - aims at mobilizing and consolidating civilian expertise for peace-building; and addresses, in particular, non-state actors, international organizations and relevant authorities of EU Member States
The Peace-building Partnership portal is intended to allow interested organizations and entities - working in the fields of conflict prevention, crisis management and peace-building - to provide to the Commission, on a voluntary basis, information regarding their areas of activity, relevant to the Peace-building Partnership.
It is envisaged that the portal will contain information from relevant international, regional and sub-regional organizations, state and non-state actors. Non-state actors may include, inter alia, civil society organizations, think-tanks, academic institutions, and the private sector.
The information provided will initially serve as a directory in order to facilitate the enhancement of a policy dialogue with relevant organizations.
Relevant organizations and entities are therefore invited to manifest an expression of interest in this regard by registering on this portal. Organizations whose activities are not related to conflict prevention, crisis management or peace-building are kindly requested to refrain from registering.
For more information, see the relevant website (linked below) or go to