12. Januar 2008

Calling for Peace in Kenya

(What follows is the full text of the statement:)
Calling for Peace in Kenya
January 4, 2008
The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) is deeply concerned about the unfolding crisis that has resulted in an escalation of violence and loss of life in Kenya after the elections of 27 December 2007.

(What follows is the full text of the statement:)
Calling for Peace in Kenya
January 4, 2008
The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) is deeply concerned about the unfolding crisis that has resulted in an escalation of violence and loss of life in Kenya after the elections of 27 December 2007.
GPPAC calls upon the leadership of President Mwai Kibaki and the Honourable Mr. Raila Odinga to exercise restraint; to urge their followers to avoid violence and provocative action; and to seek a peaceful solution to diverging views on the election results. We urge all parties concerned to prevent the situation from further deteriorating by developing a way forward out of this crisis and to restore stability and peace in Kenya.
We note and support efforts of the international community to facilitate dialogue and open communications between different contenders in the elections. We commend the mediating role of South African Bishop Desmond Tutu and urge the African Union to help resolving this matter.
We support the many Kenyan civil society organizations that are working to restore normalcy and in particular Citizens for Peace for their efforts to facilitate peacebuilding in this period.
GPPAC supports the call for lifting the ban on live broadcast and reporting to ensure that Kenyans are able to keep abreast and informed of what is happening in their country.
Above all, GPPAC expresses its solidarity with the Kenyan people during this difficult time; and calls upon all parties involved to do the utmost to bring a swift end to this crisis so that life can return to normal and people in Kenya can live without fear.
The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) is a world-wide civil society-led network to build a new international consensus on peacebuilding and the prevention of violent conflict. GPPAC works on strengthening the role of civil society in promoting peace and security by linking local, national, regional, and global levels of action and effective engagement with governments, the UN system and regional organizations. GPPAC calls for a fundamental change of approach towards conflict: a shift from reaction to prevention.