16. Januar 2007

CfP for a Conference Titled 'Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society'

Critical Political Economy Research Network at the 8th Annual Conference of the European Sociological Association \'Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society\', Glasgow, 3rd - 6th September, 2007

Critical Political Economy Research Network at the 8th Annual Conference of the European Sociological Association \'Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society\', Glasgow, 3rd - 6th September, 2007
We invite interested scholars to participate in the CPE RN sessions at the ESA conference in Glasgow. With regard to the conference theme, we would encourage the submission of abstracts dealing with the tensions, conflicts, and contradictions of capitalist development in the European Union and in the European capitalist economies. We particularly welcome contributions on the issues of resistance and alternative conceptions of socio-economic governance in the EU and beyond.
Given the inherently inter-disciplinary nature of political-economy perspectives, we wish to address scholars working within different disciplines, who employ critical political economy perspective in a broad sense to the study of Europe. Political economy has been traditionally defined as a particular field of study focusing on the relationship between the state and the economy. It understands the political and the economic as mutually co-constituted - economic relations are seen as power relations involving a struggle over various scarce and valuable resources. Thus, we would like to bring together people employing neo-Marxist, neo-Gramscian, Regulationist, cultural political economy, world systems, constructivist, sociological institutionalist and other heterodox institutional and evolutionary political economy perspectives.
Abstracts will be accepted only through online submission at the conference website: Please do not submit abstracts in any other way. The deadline for abstract submission is 28th February, 2007. We particularly welcome proposal submissions from PhD students and researchers from Central and East European countries.
Colleagues who wish to propose a panel should note this in the \'Additional comments\' field in the Abstract Submission Form. In addition, they should send their panel proposal to the CPE RN coordinator at