10. Juni 2008

CfP: Genocide - The Future of Prevention

Call for Papers: 'Genocide: The Future of Prevention'
1st Global Conference on Genocide by the International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS) at the Centre for the Study of Genocide and Mass Violence/The University of Sheffield/UK, 9 - 12 January 2009
Extract from the call for papers:

Call for Papers: 'Genocide: The Future of Prevention'
1st Global Conference on Genocide by the International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS) at the Centre for the Study of Genocide and Mass Violence/The University of Sheffield/UK, 9 - 12 January 2009
Extract from the call for papers:
'In December 2008 the world will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the UN \'Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide\' (1948). The Convention firmly rooted genocide in international law, which is increasingly successful in bringing perpetrators of genocide to trial. Genocide as a crime is now also part of public consciousness (at least in most parts of the world), and Non-Governmental Organizations in particular campaign tirelessly against mass violence.
Prevention, however has failed. This failure, however, cannot only be blamed on political elites alone. Genocide Studies, as an academic discipline, is responsible as well. The failure of the international community to develop effective mechanisms for prevention is paralleled by academia\'s seeming incapacity to critically reflect on the dilemmas of prevention as well as to develop new theoretical approaches that escape the limitations of the control paradigm (Oxford Research Group), which rests on the misleading and dangerous assumption that global security can be guaranteed and threads controlled by military force rather than addressing the root causes of conflict. Traditional ideas about prevention, which see genocide as a dysfunction of an otherwise working international political and economic system that can be contained by policing, have not been developed further to offer satisfying answers to the many challenges of the 21st century, especially the relationship between global injustice and violence or environmental change and genocide, which will in all likelihood drastically increase the occurrence of genocidal moments.
In order to address these pressing questions, the International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS; together with the Centre for the Study of Genocide and Mass Violence (SGMV) at The University of Sheffield/UK ( will dedicate the 1st Global Conference on Genocide, Sheffield, 9-12 January 2009 to sustainable genocide prevention for the 21st century. 'Genocide: The Future of Prevention', the inaugural event in INOGS\' biannual series of Global Genocide Conferences, will take stock of Genocide Studies and move on to develop new ideas about prevention.
The organisers therefore invite suggestions for panels and papers on all aspects of the study of genocide and mass violence, past, present and future. Submissions should reach them no later than 15 July 2008. Brief abstracts (250 words per paper, panel suggestions should additionally briefly state the rationale of the panel, including short CVs and institutional affiliation; all in one word file) should be e-mailed to Tricia Ellis-Evans (