11. Juni 2008

CfP: Instrument for Stability - Crisis Preparedness Component - Organization of Round Tables

Call for Proposals: 'Instrument for Stability - Crisis Preparedness Component - Organization of Round Tables' May 2008
The European Commission is pleased to announce a new Call for Proposals entitled 'Instrument for Stability - Crisis Preparedness component - Annual Action Programmes 2007- 2008 - Peace-building Partnership Support - Organization of Round Tables'
This call for proposals responds to two specific objectives identified in the 2007-2011 Strategy Paper for the Instrument for Stability:

Call for Proposals: 'Instrument for Stability - Crisis Preparedness Component - Organization of Round Tables' May 2008
The European Commission is pleased to announce a new Call for Proposals entitled 'Instrument for Stability - Crisis Preparedness component - Annual Action Programmes 2007- 2008 - Peace-building Partnership Support - Organization of Round Tables'
This call for proposals responds to two specific objectives identified in the 2007-2011 Strategy Paper for the Instrument for Stability:
- to build the capacity of non-state actors and regional and sub-regional organisations engaged in the prevention of violent conflict, post-conflict political stabilization and early recovery after a natural disaster;
- to strengthen capacities for providing early warning of potential crisis situations;
The actions proposed are intended to contribute to the following result identified in the 2007-2008 Indicative Programme:
- Improved early warning mechanisms are established; improved access to field- based political analysis and policy-oriented research is ensured;
The actions proposed are, moreover, designed to contribute to responding to the European Consensus on Development\'s call for the Community to develop a 'comprehensive prevention approach to state fragility, conflict ... and other types of crisis'.
This call for proposals covers activities under the Annual Action Programmes 2007-2008.
The specific objectives are to:
- Strengthen the dialogue with the civil society sector, by funding Round Tables, which would allow civil society actors to proactively take the initiative in providing policy advice to the EU institutions on issues relevant to the implementation of the EU\'s crisis response, the aim being to harness the policy expertise available within the civil society sector, beyond the utilization of civil society actors as implementers of EU policy;
- Strengthen the EU institutions\' ability to anticipate and respond to situations of crisis through developing a partnership with, and between, specialised civil society actors at policy level.
The following priorities are envisaged:
- Facilitate relevant civil society organizations\' ability to propose the provision of policy advice to the EU institutions on issues relating to conflict prevention, crisis management and peace-building.
Given the dynamic nature of EU\'s crisis response needs, specific geographic and thematic priorities may evolve over time. In the light of this, the Commission will retain flexibility in discussing with the grantees the potential adaptation of their proposals in order to reflect current developments. These developments should be taken into account both for first and second deadline applicants.
Reference: PBP-2008-2-AAP-2007/2008
Application Deadline: 14 July, 2008 (first deadline) and 13 January, 2009 (second deadline)