15. Mai 2009

CfP: Post-Doc-Conference 'Many Faces of Security in a World of Complex Threats'

Berlin, 16-17 September 2009, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)
Many faces of security in a world of complex threats. Key questions - approaches - findings of policy-oriented research in and for Europe
Call for papers
(Deadline: June 30, 2009)

Berlin, 16-17 September 2009, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)
Many faces of security in a world of complex threats. Key questions - approaches - findings of policy-oriented research in and for Europe
Call for papers
(Deadline: June 30, 2009)
SWP invites young academics to the forthcoming conference on 'Many faces of security in a world of complex threats' at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik/ German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin. The conference will focus on key questions and findings in policy-oriented research in international studies in and for Europe.
About the conference
The two-day conference addresses young and innovative academics (Post-Docs) from various fields of international and transnational affairs. It offers the opportunity to discuss policy-oriented research with academics and policy-makers.
The format of 25-30 participants allows for an intensive dialogue on a wide range of issues such as arms control, non-proliferation, regional security, securitization of policies (climate change, migration etc.), soft security or actors like the EU as well as formats and frameworks of global governance.
Deadline and formal requirements
Researchers (Post-Docs) interested in participating in the conference must submit a summary of their research project (3 pages max.) and a short curriculum vitae (1 page max.) by Tuesday June 30, 2009. Accommodation and travel (within limits) costs for applicants will be covered. The conference language is English. Outstanding papers presented at the conference will be considered for a SWP publication.
After the completion of the selection process invitations will be sent out to successful applicants by Wednesday August 5, 2009.
Please apply by submitting proposals to