10. März 2010

CfP: 'Resources of Conflicts - Conflicts of Resources'

The Goettingen Journal of International Law (GoJIL) is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the international conference 'Resources of Conflicts - Conflicts of Resources', October 7-9, 2010 which will be held at Goettingen University, Germany.
Keynote Speaker will be Judge Bruno Simma, International Court of Justice (ICJ)

The Goettingen Journal of International Law (GoJIL) is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the international conference 'Resources of Conflicts - Conflicts of Resources', October 7-9, 2010 which will be held at Goettingen University, Germany.
Keynote Speaker will be Judge Bruno Simma, International Court of Justice (ICJ)
The Goettingen Journal of International Law is pleased to invite scholars to engage in current debates on the multi-faceted interdependence and interaction between resources and conflicts for the upcoming conference 'Resources of Conflict – Conflicts over Resources'. Conflicts over resources have long sparked international disputes between states and have even become a cause of war. Armed conflicts pertain to an increasing number of different actors whose legal status is in question in current international legal debate. The protection of natural and cultural resources in times of armed conflict is also a topical issue. Resources inform the underlying agenda in international conflicts, power struggles and post-conflict situations. The question is whether the scarcity of resources leads to international cooperation or to further conflict. The assessment, access and benefit sharing of resources may be central to prevent future conflicts. In addition to the issues surrounding tangible resources, the debate about the intangible resource of knowledge has complexified the international debate. Knowledge as a resource plays an important role in fact finding missions, truth and reconciliation commissions, and as evidence in international tribunals. In what can be deemed the modern battlefield of cyberspace, knowledge is a weapon and should also be considered as a resource of conflict.
About the Conference
The conference will consist of four panels and two keynote speeches, one of which will be given by Judge Bruno Simma of the International Court of Justice. The organizers encourage submissions with interdisciplinary approaches in the fields of international law, international politics and from adjacent disciplines. The organizers welcome papers with a theoretical (analytical/normative), as well as an empirical focus. The organizers anticipate the publication of a special issue of the Goettingen Journal of International Law from the papers presented at the conference. Please note that panels can still be subject to change.
The following panels will be held:
Panel 1: Actors of Armed Conflicts and International Law
Panel 2: Resources Before, During and After Conflicts
Panel 3: Resources and Conflict Prevention: Access, Sharing and Regulation
Panel 4: Knowledge as a Resource: Access, Assessment and Legal Consequences
Submission Process
The organizers invite emerging scholars and junior faculty to submit English abstracts of no more than 500 words by June 1, 2010. Please send your abstracts to Anne Dienelt (, who will be taking care of the submission process. Selected participants will be notified by July 1, 2010 and are expected to submit their papers by September 20, 2010 for circulation to the chairs and panelists. The length of the final papers should not exceed 7,000 words. For more information, including detailed penal descriptions, visit the website or contact the organizers at
Registration and Travel Grants
Registration fee will be waived for scholars presenting a paper. Thanks to sponsors, the organizers will be able to provide a limited number of travel grants. Details on travel arrangements and accommodation will be provided to participants in due time.