17. September 2010

CfP: „Violence and Violence Research in the global South“

The central aim of this IJCV focus section will be to review existing research on violence in the global South. Many regions in Africa, Asia, and South America face particularly high levels of intra-societal violence, yet so far remained on the sidelines of international research. The focus section shall provide an in-depth consideration of existing knowledge and discuss the potentials of new research directions. The editors therefore invite literature reviews that critically engage with the achievements and desiderata of violence research in the global South. Of particular interest are contributions that engage with violence in contexts other than civil or inter-state warfare.
Papers may be designed either according to regional or topical considerations. Thus academic production on a specific form of violence may be reviewed. Alternatively, academic literature on violence in specific regions or sub-regions of the global South may be analyzed. The guest editors invite contributions from all relevant disciplines, such as e.g. history, literature studies, health studies, political science, criminology, anthropology, sociology or psychology.
Deadline for manuscript submission is November 15, 2010.
For further information, please contact Alex Veit (alexander.veit[at]
Guest Editors:
- Alex Veit, Universität Bielefeld, Germany
- Peter Imbusch, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany