2. September 2007

Civil Society and Civilian Crisis Management: Enhancing Cooperation and Coherence by Multi Level Dialogues

From February 2nd - 4th, 2007, the Annual Conference of the German Platform for Peaceful Conflict Management was held in Berlin-Spandau in co-operation with the Evangelical Academy of Iserlohn. Now the documentation of this conference is online in English language. It consists of a résumé of the conference which was written by Ulrich Frey and Uwe Trittmann. The papers of the contributors from Kenia, Kyrgyzstan, Croatia, Papua New Guinea, Sudan, Chad and Uganda can be accessed as well as tables of contributors and participants to the conference.

From February 2nd - 4th, 2007, the Annual Conference of the German Platform for Peaceful Conflict Management was held in Berlin-Spandau in co-operation with the Evangelical Academy of Iserlohn. Now the documentation of this conference is online in English language. It consists of a résumé of the conference which was written by Ulrich Frey and Uwe Trittmann. The papers of the contributors from Kenia, Kyrgyzstan, Croatia, Papua New Guinea, Sudan, Chad and Uganda can be accessed as well as tables of contributors and participants to the conference.
The résumé and the table of contents with links to the papers are contained in a .pdf-file. It can be downloaded via our webpage.