10. Mai 2014

Civilian Peacebuilding (CAS)

What impact does peacebuilding have? How can it be measured? What are the particular challenges of working in fragile contexts? How do gender roles change during a war and what does this mean for post-conflict societies? When is the right time to begin mediation during a conflict and how can talks be set up? How can a society deal with gross human rights violations and breaches of international humanitarian law? How can an economic system that is conducive to peace emerge from a “war economy“? This Postgraduate Course in Civilian Peacebuilding (CAS) puts these questions centre stage.


The course consists of five on-site modules, with online assignments, spread over one year (25 course days). Experts from academia and practice will address current debates and peace processes, and encourage critical reflection on personal professional experiences and peacebuilding activities. After successfully completing this postgraduate course, participants will be familiar with the state-of-the-art in selected areas of civilian peacebuilding. They will have acquired practical methods and relevant skills and will cherish a valuable professional network in Switzerland and beyond.


This course at the swisspeace Academy, Basel, Switzerland begins for the third consecutive year in September 2014; registration closes on 30 June. A webinar and information event will be held in spring.


This course (20 ECTS) can be taken as one module of the Master of Advanced Studies in Peace & Conflict Transformation program (60 ECTS) offered by swisspeace and the University of Basel.


Please visit or contact for more information.