23. März 2015

Conflict Barometer 2014

The Conflict Barometer has been published since 1992 and is the HIIK's annual analysis of the global conflict events and the main publication of the HIIK. Non-violent and violent crises, wars, coup d'etats as well as peace negotiations are observed in it. In the summary of the course of conflicts globally, the HIIK presents each year's developments in the form of texts and graphics. Therefore, the Global Conflict Panorama explains the general development, while the regional chapters give an insight into the conflict events in the Americas, Asia and Oceania, Europe, the Middle East and Maghreb as well as in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The Conflict Barometer has gained an increased audience and academic renown since its initial publication. Likewise, the institute has grown consistently since its foundation in the early 1990s: Starting with no more than 20 staff members, the Conflict Barometer includes today the work of more than 120 researchers. All researchers work in a voluntary capacity, dedicating themselves to the work of the HIIK alongside their studies or careers. The academic expertise is guaranteed by close institutional and personnel links to the Department of Political Science at the University of Heidelberg.

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