28. Februar 2005

Culture of Peace

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
You are invited to contribute to the World Report on the Culture of Peace. All civil society organizations (NGOs, Institutes, Universities, Schools, Cities, Media) that promote one or more of the eight action areas of the culture of peace are invited by the UN General Assembly to contribute to this report which is for the midpoint of the International Decade for the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence (UN resolution A/58/11).

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
You are invited to contribute to the World Report on the Culture of Peace. All civil society organizations (NGOs, Institutes, Universities, Schools, Cities, Media) that promote one or more of the eight action areas of the culture of peace are invited by the UN General Assembly to contribute to this report which is for the midpoint of the International Decade for the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence (UN resolution A/58/11).
The eight action areas are human rights, peace education, democracy, equality of women, tolerance and international understanding, sustainable development, free flow of information, and international peace and security (UN resolution A/53/243B).
Thank you for helping us show that German civil society is one of the most active in the world for the culture of peace.
Dr. David Adams
(Former Director Culture of Peace Program at UNESCO)
Dr. Regine Mehl
(Director of AFB / PRIUB)
To make your contribution contact the World Report directly at ...