20. April 2015

Disillusions and Accomplishments: How Transitional Justice changes societies

As part of the ORA-NWO Project ‘The Impact of Transitional Justice Measures on Democratic Institution-building’, SIM organizes a workshop on Transitional Justice on 30-31 July 2015.

Transitional Justice is a field of continuous expansion and interdisciplinary dialogue; however, it has been criticized for its lack of consensus in the use of concepts, methods, and variables of measurement and impact. The dissimilar uses of these tools for analysis make it difficult to assess whether transitional justice (TJ) actually brings lasting support to democracy. The aim of this workshop is to facilitate dialogue among scholars engaged in the study of TJ from different perspectives and fields of expertise, including debates on the legal, historical, social, political, post-colonial and philosophical aspects, among others. Please find the full call for papers here.

The workshop takes place from 30-31 July 2015 at Raadzaal, Achter Sint Pieter 200, Utrecht.

Contact: Dr. Sandra Milena Rios Oyola (