9. September 2011

Formulating a Deep Educational Response to Tragedy

"The 10th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks invites solemn reflection on the lives lost, the presumed path of justice pursued for most of a decade, and the lessons that remain to be learned.  These reflections are almost always with me as my life as a professional peace educator has coincidentally intersected with 9-11.  Just a few weeks before the tragic event I had accepted a new position as the Coordinator of the Peace Education Center at Teachers College, Columbia University and I began working at the Center in the days that followed.  My first experience on the job consisted of fielding calls from teachers, principals and activists, asking how peace education could “fix” or “respond” to the tragedy.  My reflections, 10 years later, return to the role education can play in responding to 9-11 and other violent tragedies" (from the introduction).

Complete article on the Global Campaign for Peace Education website
