18. Januar 2008

Global Article 9 Campaign to Abolish War

Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution was legislated in 1946, immediately following the end of the Second World War. Article 9 was legislated under the understanding that the most effective means to guarantee Japan to never wage war again, was not to possess any war potential.
Article 9 was legislated in deep reflection of Japan\'s war of aggression and colonial rule. Therefore, Article 9, the renunciation of war, and the prohibition of maintaining any war potential, is Japan\'s pledge and vow to the people of Asia, the Pacific, and the world, to never again repeat its mistakes.

Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution was legislated in 1946, immediately following the end of the Second World War. Article 9 was legislated under the understanding that the most effective means to guarantee Japan to never wage war again, was not to possess any war potential.
Article 9 was legislated in deep reflection of Japan\'s war of aggression and colonial rule. Therefore, Article 9, the renunciation of war, and the prohibition of maintaining any war potential, is Japan\'s pledge and vow to the people of Asia, the Pacific, and the world, to never again repeat its mistakes.
In other words, Japan\'s Article 9 is not simply a provision of the Japanese law, but is acting as an international peace mechanism by restraining war and an arms race. As its principle, the UN Charter calls for a peaceful resolution to conflicts; and Article 26 stipulates the minimization of the world\'s resources to be used for military purposes. Japan\'s Article 9 further strengthens this principle of the UN. Any revision or abandonment of Article 9 is connected to the loss of the above principles, and along with raising serious concerns for the security of the Asia Pacific region, and especially Northeast Asia, entails a grave impact on peace and security of the world.
Article 9 of Japan\'s Constitution is a strong and clear promise to the world by Japan, particularly to the people of the Asia-Pacific, who suffered terribly under Japanese aggression prior to and during WWII, that 'we will never repeat such a tragic mistake.'
Article 9 has helped build confidence in a very unstable region, keep peace for more than 60 years and is of paramount importance for the prevention of conflict.
The philosophy of Article 9 is the logical extension of the UN Charter\'s goal to save future generations from the scourge of war.
The purpose of the Global Article 9 Campaign is to urge global civil society to adopt the 'No War, No Military' message and push for this concept to be included in their own countries\' constitutions.
The Global Article 9 Campaign to Abolish War calls on global civil society to develop and carry out 'peace mechanisms' based on Article 9 principles:
1. Reduce military spending in accordance with Article 26 of the UN charter, and achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
2. Monitor corporate military activities, and prevent new development and sales of weapons.
3. Promote nuclear-weapon-free zones (NWFZs) and demilitarized zones (DMZs).
4. Promote the human right to live in peace: recognize conscientious objectors\' rights and strengthen justice systems against crimes by the military.
5. Mainstream gender in peace activities, and work to end violence against women.
6. Promote 'non-use of force' and non-belligerency norms among states, and encourage non-military means of guaranteeing state security.
7. Support conflict prevention, development of early warning systems, peacebuilding, and human security initiatives by peaceful means.
8. Cooperate to reverse the negative environmental impacts of war and the military, and divert resources to ensuring the sustainability of the planet.
9. Support peace initiatives and peace education in cities, communities, and places of work and learning.
In Germany, an Article 9 group has been founded in November 2007 in Berlin; a second will be founded in Tübingen (for more information go to
