26. April 2015

Interdisciplinary Research Group on Macro-Violence

The Hamburg Institute for Social Research is about to establish an interdisciplinary research group on macro-violence and invites young scholars from disciplines such as sociology, political science, history, anthropology, etc to apply.Most welcome are projects which
a) focus on macro-violence by using a distinct theoretical approach and/or
b) analyze macro-violence from a comparative perspective and/or
c) look into the role of violence in processes of institution-building by analyzing, for example, the interrelationship between violence and capitalism, violence and law, etc.

Doctoral scholarships amount to ca. 1,200 € per month (two years with the possibility of an extension for one or two more years); the salary for postdoctoral positions (three years with the possibility of an extension for two more years) ranges from 3,700 to 4,800 € per month before taxes (depending on experience).

Applicants interested in pursuing a doctorate must have completed their degree (Master, M.A. or the equivalent) with above average marks; applicants for the postdoctoral positions must have completed their PhD.

It is also possible to apply for admission to the research group independent of applying for a stipend or a postdoctoral position. Guest researchers, who must be self-supporting, are welcome to stay for a period of up to one year.

The HIS seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

All application materials, which can be written either in German, English, or French (a curriculum vitae; a statement of purpose encompassing not more than three pages, which provides a clear picture of the applicant's academic background and interests; an outline of the dissertation or postdoctoral project encompassing not more than six pages; copies of earned degrees; two recent letters of recommendation), must be received online by 31 May 2015 at the following address and using either the keyword 'dissertation' (applications for doctoral
scholarships) or 'postdoc' (applications for postdoctoral positions).


There will be a small workshop and individual talks with the applicants on 3 and 4 Sept 2015 so that this date should be saved! The HIS will cover travel- and accommodation-costs for this event!

Andrea Boenardi
Mittelweg 36
20148 Hamburg