23. Januar 2009

International Alert Launches New Website for the European Group on Training (EGT)

As the current coordinator of the European Group on Training (EGT), International Alert recently launched a new website containing programmes of courses and new training resources.

As the current coordinator of the European Group on Training (EGT), International Alert recently launched a new website containing programmes of courses and new training resources.
The EGT currently comprises European training institutions and NGO training providers, as well as relevant ministries engaged in the recruitment and training of civilian crisis management personnel. The Group endeavours to advance the civilian component of the European Union\'s ability to mitigate crisis management by developing training courses and materials, while at the same time fostering the cooperation with OSCE (Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe), UN and international NGOs. As an open network, the EGT continues to operate on an informal basis.
Between 2001 and 2007, the EGT and its members collectively organised over 60 training courses, involving approximately 1400 participants.
During the present phase of the project, the EGT is working to consolidate, document and publish its training courses. The EGT is also committed to build consensus around European training standards, compatible with UN and OSCE requirements, to be deployed in international missions. The Group also aims to strengthen the civilian training capacities of the EU Member States.
The new website provides an important resource for the civilian crisis management training sector. Besides containing a wealth of information on the background and history of the EGT, it also contains a useful collection of EGT, EU, UN and OSCE documents on civilian crisis management and training.
The website\'s new structure better enables course providers to promote their activities and students to find courses based on their area of interest and location. It also provides a space for current members to keep informed about upcoming events and prospective members to find information about EGT certification and application procedures.