2. Dezember 2010

International Bremen Peace Award 2011: Crossing Boundaries / Breaking Vicious Circles

In November 2011 the Threshold Foundation will award the International Bremen Peace Award for exemplary commitments to Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation for the fifth time.
With this award the Threshold Foundation wants to honour people and organizations that set an example through their work contributing to reconciliation, human rights, overcoming of racism, preservation of Creation as well as to intercultural and inter-religious understanding.
Awards will be given in three categories to individuals or organizations during a public ceremony at the Bremen Town Hall. The awards are endowed with a total amount of 15.000 Euros, i.e. 5.000 Euros in each category. Moreover, an award brochure will be published presenting other outstanding personalities and projects selected from a wide range of proposals. Thereby, the Threshold Foundation seeks to draw public attention to remarkable achievements of dedicated people worldwide. Award brochures are available in English and German at
Free copies of the 2005, 2007 and 2009 brochures can be ordered from

Award for the Unknown Peace Worker (category A)
This category aims at honouring dedicated individuals working at the grassroots level without much public attention or recognition: people that contribute to peace, justice and the integrity of creation through unconventional initiatives.

Award for Exemplary Organizations (category B)
In this category awards will be given to initiatives or organizations that contribute to the goals of the Threshold Foundation in an outstanding manner.

Award for Public Engagement (category C)
This category honours renowned public figures such as journalists, scientists as well as politicians and artists that persistently and courageously contribute to peace, justice and the integrity of creation.
Proposals for the Bremen Peace Award should be submitted by third parties or organizations.
Self-nominations will not be accepted.
Proposals must contain the following information:
- full name and address (including email) of suggested person/organization, website (if available) and name of contact person in organizations;
- brief description of individual/organization submitting a proposal;
- reasons for the proposal (not more than 3 pages);
- information regarding previously received awards, if any.
Reasons for the proposal and the candidates’ special qualifications for the award should not exceed 3 pages. If you wish to submit additional information, please enclose them as annex.
The Threshold Foundation will contact you in case further clarification or more information is needed.
Proposals should be submitted, preferably in German or in English, by January 31, 2011 to
or to:
Ms. Petra Titze, Stiftung die schwelle, Wachmannstr. 79, D-28209, Bremen.
For further information please contact or call 0049-421-3032577.