20. März 2007

Invitation to an International Workshop 'States without Security, Security without States'

'States without Security, Security without States' is a workshop co-organized by the Italian Center for International Perspectives (CIPI), a leading independent Brussels-based non profit organization and network, and the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center (ESISC), a primary Brussels-based think tank and consultancy in the security sector. The workshop will take place on March 30, 2007, in Brussels.

'States without Security, Security without States' is a workshop co-organized by the Italian Center for International Perspectives (CIPI), a leading independent Brussels-based non profit organization and network, and the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center (ESISC), a primary Brussels-based think tank and consultancy in the security sector. The workshop will take place on March 30, 2007, in Brussels.
The workshop is intended for a selected number of participant guests (45) who represent the public and private security and intelligence sectors, practitioners and scholars (including doctoral students). Relevant representatives of the European Union institutions will also be invited to attend. The workshop takes place in a discrete and protected environment. A statement to the press may be distributed after the event.
The scope of the workshop is to stimulate co-operative attitude and consensus on the delicate issue of the public-private intelligence and security interaction in the EU in the context of an emerging Global Civil Security Network. Issues such as the current trends in intelligence and security and the regulatory framework will be discussed. The latter would be compiled in a \'policy paper\' to be addressed to the attention of the EU institutions.
How to register: In order to facilitate our organizing of the workshop, we shall appreciate your returning to us in the shortest delay (registration is open until 23 march 2007 <> ). Please, send us a short bio. Registration is Free.