29. Dezember 2015

IPT Courses in 2016

IPT Core Course for Peacebuilders provides participants with the basic knowledge and skills required in post-conflict areas and fragile situations, independent of the specific function they will fulfil.
9 - 21 April 2016 and 15 – 27 October 2016 | Application Deadline for Scholarships: 15 January 2016 and 1 July 2016

IPT Specialisation Course on Conflict-sensitive Project Management prepares participants for successful design and implementation of international development projects in post-conflict areas, regardless of their specific field of expertise.
22 April – 1 May 2016 | Application Deadline for Scholarships: 15 January 2016

IPT Specialisation Course on Election Observation aims to support the development and consolidation of pluralistic, democratic societies through preparing participants for observation and assistance tasks in electoral missions.
24 – 30 July 2016 | Application Deadline for Scholarships: 1 May 2016

IPT Specialisation Course on Child Protection equips participants with specialised knowledge and skills to become effectively involved in monitoring, advisory and executive functions to protect children in crisis areas.
28 October – 6 November 2016 | Application Deadline for Scholarships: 1 July 2016

For further information please refer to or contact .