16. April 2007

KOFF Organizes a New Series of Trainings

The Center for peace-building (KOFF) is organizing a new series of two-day training sessions, to be conducted by international experts and KOFF personnel.
The series kicks off on June 25-26 with an introduction to 'Do No Harm' - the best known methods for conflict-sensitive project management - in response to the growing demand of recent years.

The Center for peace-building (KOFF) is organizing a new series of two-day training sessions, to be conducted by international experts and KOFF personnel.
The series kicks off on June 25-26 with an introduction to 'Do No Harm' - the best known methods for conflict-sensitive project management - in response to the growing demand of recent years.
A course scheduled for September 3-4 entitled 'Human rights and peace-building' will explore the twilight zone between 'transformative' and rights-based concepts, trying to identify opportunities to integrate such approaches in the current activities of participants.
Participants in a course with Israeli psychologist Dan Bar-On on October 19-20 will have a chance to learn how story-telling can be used as a conflict transformation method.
The reintegration of former combatants of both sexes in post-war societies will be the focus of a training course, which is due to take place on November 26-27.
More information can be gathered via eMail: or the internet