26. April 2011

KOFF Training Series 2011

The Center for Peacebuilding KOFF has published the KOFF Training Series 2011 consisting of four training courses on different aspects of civilian peacebuilding:
Designing and Facilitating Dialogue, 28-30 September 2011, Facilitator: Chris Spies

Dialogue and dialogue facilitation are key components of many peacebuilding projects. Under what conditions is dialogue the appropriate instrument? What exactly happens during and after a dialogue process? How can resistance to engage in dialogue be overcome? Chris Spies, mediator and facilitator, will introduce participants to various aspects of dialogue design and introduce them to the basic skills of dialogue facilitation.
Dealing with Survivors of Traumatizing Violence, 6 – 7 October 2011, Facilitators: Simone Lindorfer, Daniel Orellana Aguirre

The second course is devoted to dealing with local partners and collaborators who have suffered violence and serious human rights violations. How should Desk Officers deal with victims of trauma? What challenges arise in the course of project visits or in electronic communication? The psychologists Simone Lindorfer and Daniel Orellana Aguirre will answer these questions and clarify such concepts as trauma and secondary trauma.
Conflict Sensitivity in Practice, 18-19 October 2011, Facilitators: Marcel von Arx, Sidonia Gabriel, Roland Dittli

Questions relating to conflict-sensitive program management (CSPM) have as yet lost none of their urgency, particularly in relation to intervention in fragile states. Although there is a wealth of relevant knowledge available within many organizations, implementation remains a challenge. During this training course, KOFF will present the standard conflict sensitivity instruments, focusing on practical implementation questions and on building conflict sensitivity into the structures and operations of organizations. This approach is indispensable for ensuring that intervention in fragile contexts does not aggravate local conflicts indirectly.
Peacebuilder's Security Management: A Road Map, 7-8 November 2011, Facilitator: Tanya Spencer

A prudent security concept helps to improve the effectiveness of peace work. How can security aspects be reconciled with the ethical principles of peacebuilding? Should a good security strategy be based on acceptance? And what are the most important do’s and dont’s in the case of project and program visits? Tanya Spencer, the trainer for this course, has herself worked in international cooperation and is a consultant on security questions today.
A detailed program with registration form can be downloaded here.