13. Februar 2016

Launch of the Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative (IPTI) website

The Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative (IPTI) was created in July 2015, with the goal of supporting peace and transition processes through the comparative evidence accumulated over nearly a decade of research under leadership of Thania Pfaffenholz, at the Graduate Institute in Geneva.  

IPTI's website has now been launched; its initiators invite you to learn more about IPTI’s mission, activities and services. The Expertise & Advice page presents the various ways in which research on peace and transition processes gets dorectly transfered to both practitioners and policy makers. The Online Resources Center – soon to include a search engine and an interactive world map – aims to compile a wide range of essential publications on peace and transition processes. Finally, IPTI’s Peace & Transition Observatory features expert analyses of ongoing processes through IPTI’s comparative lens, including Thania Pfaffenholz's latest analysis on the Syrian peace talks, recently also published in French by the Swiss newspaper Le Temps.

Subscribe to IPTI’s Newsletter for the latest publications, analytical pieces, stories of our work and of its impact, and training opportunities.