12. Januar 2013

Local Infrastructures For Peace

Historical formulations such as conflict management, conflict resolution, citizen diplomacy, Track II, peacebuilding and statebuilding, all rested to some degree on the recognition of local, social dynamics of peace, and their legitimacy, when they were first formulated. Yet such concepts have all quickly been co-opted into the formal and political framework of the states-system and its conflict management/ peacebuilding/ statebuilding tools. New iterations of local, social processes of peacemaking are now emerging, including what have been described as 'local infrastructures for peace'.

These 'peace formation' processes are often informal, socially, culturally, or historically based, as well as connecting to a more formal political, bureaucratic, and developmental framework within the state. They often span local councils, district administrations, and even ministries for peace. Internationals increasingly look for or help establish them. From South Africa to Afghanistan, Ghana to Sierra Leone, Colombia to Nepal, this phenomena has become recognised in various different forms as being essential to peace, legitimacy, the social contract, the evolving state, and so crucial for international actors intent of peacebuilding or statebuilding. PhD proposals focusing on this little researched recent phenomena from both a theoretical and empirical perspective would be very welcome. The successful applicant will study under the supervision of Prof. Oliver Richmond.


Students are invited to apply for ESRC and PDS competitions details of which can be found here

Start date September 2013

Duration of Award 4 years


How to Apply

Applicants must apply using the University standard online postgraduate application process

Deadlines and instructions for funding opportunities should be consulted by visiting the graduate school website


Applicants for the studentship should hold or be expecting a First Class degree award, and/or a Distinction in a related Masters degree. Applicants who hold a good 2:1 in their first degree will be considered on merit. Applicants should include full details of any teaching experience or areas of expertise on their application form. Applications should include a 500 - 1000 word research statement detailing the research they plan to conduct in reference to the project area. A minimum of 2 letters of reference must also be received by the deadline.


Any enquiries relating specifically to the submission of applications should be directed to Dr Jenny Peterson, HCRI Director of Postgraduate Research Queries regarding the research project area should be directed to Prof. Oliver Richmond