25. August 2009

Nonviolent Peaceforce is currently recruiting International Civilian Peacekeepers

Nonviolent Peaceforce is especially interested in persons with skills and experiences in protection work and monitoring. We are also interested in persons with conflict experience, and persons with related skills. Others with less skills or direct experience will also be considered.

Nonviolent Peaceforce is especially interested in persons with skills and experiences in protection work and monitoring. We are also interested in persons with conflict experience, and persons with related skills. Others with less skills or direct experience will also be considered.
Nonviolent Peaceforce is an unarmed, professional civilian peacekeeping force that is invited to work in conflict zones worldwide. With international headquarters in Brussels, Nonviolent Peaceforce has worked in the conflict areas of Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Guatemala. Among other activities, it works with local groups to foster dialogue among parties in conflict, provide a proactive presence and safe spaces for civilians, and develop local capacity to prevent violence. Its staff includes veterans of conflict zones and experienced peacekeepers.
Nonviolent Peaceforce is seeking highly skilled and experienced persons to serve in conflict zones as International Civilian Peacekeepers (ICPs). There is an immediate need to fill several skilled positions in Sri Lanka (go to to see the job descriptions for those positions). NP is also recruiting to meet expansion needs in projects in both Mindanao (Philippines) and Sri Lanka. The Philippines may soon require up to 40 new ICPs. If expansion plans proceed in the Sri Lanka project, another 40-50 ICPs will be required over the next 6-12 months. Nonviolent Peaceforce is also actively fundraising for a project in South Sudan.
Nonviolent Peaceforce is therefore seeking applications from persons with specific skills and expertise in working with (or be knowledgeable of) internally displaced people (IDPs), children in armed conflict, civilian protection issues, humanitarian relief, or peacekeeping operations in general. The ability and openness to working in sometimes hostile, war-like and hardship environments is critical. Supplementary skills in conflict analysis, project management, finances, security or logistics would be desirable. Women, candidates from the Global South, and those of the Muslim faith are especially encouraged to apply.
NP International Civilian Peacekeepers (ICPs) work in multicultural teams, usually living at the community level, and are provided a generous package of benefits including full medical and evacuation insurance, housing and logistical support (mobile phone, internet access, etc.) to fully maintain themselves in the field, and are provided home leave annually. A monthly salary (taxable) will cover personal in-country needs (entertainment, personal transport, etc.) with the rest sent as savings to a person’s home bank account. The salary range is based on a person’s experience and level of responsibility. Currently, an entry-level ICP will receive €14,000/year; regular ICP €15,500/year; a Senior ICP €18,000/year; while a Head of Field office will receive €20,000/year. [Note: in project locations where taxes do not apply, these salary amounts will be approximately 25% less]. NP will cover all major expenses related to deployment for successful candidates.
If you feel you meet these requirements, please send the following:
(1) a completed NP application form
(2) a copy of your current CV
(3) a letter agreeing to be deployed by NP for up to 24 months if chosen
Short listed candidates will be required to send a letter indicating medical fitness from a recognized medical practitioner. Note that NP may require a full medical exam prior to your deployment.
Download the application form from Send your completed application package to