27. Juni 2014


How do students prepare themselves for the practicalities of being an academic? The platforms related to peace and conflict studies that expose students to a thorough peer review and publication process are limited. Eight bachelor- and master students from the Department of Peace and Conflict Research (DPCR) detected there is room for improvement and established the first DPCR student journal: the PAX et BELLUM Journal.


The founding group of students, forming the editorial board, aims at providing a platform for student researchers to contribute to interdisciplinary peace and conflict discourse and to share their perspectives on a wide-ranging scope of topics related to the field. The journal will be published biannually and is supported by an advisory board consisting of Peter Wallensteen (Senior Professor at the DPCR) and Henning Melber (Senior Adviser and Director Emeritus Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation). The submitted work of students is subject to an anonymous peer review process, carried out by staff members of DPCR. The first issue deals with papers on civilian victimization, spoiler management, indivisibility and the micro dynamics of war.


The editorial board announced during the official launch party on May 21nd 2014 that they encourage both Master and Bachelor students to submit their papers in the coming months, since the planning is already underway for the Fall 2014 issue.



Appetite for Control: Civilian Victimisation in Kosovo, 1998-1999
Sarah Agnew

The Microdynamics of Conflict Outbreak: The Case of ANC-IFP Fighting in South Africa in 1990
Sebastian van Baalen

Indivisibility: The Case of the 2000 Camp David Summit and the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif
Sarah R. Smith

A Legitimated External Spoiler?
Interrogating the Legitimacy and Externality of the MNLF in the GPH-MILF Peace Process
Ian Niccolo Tobia


PAX et BELLUM Journal 2014, no 1