1. August 2016

Refugees, Migration and the Media

The Global Media Journal is an open-access academic refereed publication in various national or regional editions around the globe. GMJ-German Edition is affiliated with the Freie University Berlin/Germany and the University of Erfurt/Germany and hosted by Carola Richter and Christine Horz.

Current issue contents:

Dorothee Arlt & Jens Wolling
The Refugees: Threatening or Beneficial?

Exploring the Effects of Positive and Negative Attitudes and Communication on Hostile Media Perceptions (article in English)

Vivien Benert & Anne Beier
Influx of Migrants versus People in Need – A Combined Analysis of Framing and Connotation in the Lampedusa News Coverage (article in English)

Jahnnabi Das & Aktheruz Zaman
Borders in the South: Migration News in South Asia and the Pacific (article in English)

Anke Fiedler
Information to go: Kommunikation im Prozess der Migration am Beispiel syrischer und irakischer Flüchtlinge auf ihrem Weg nach Deutschland (article in German)

Kai Hafez
Compassion Fatigue der Medien? Warum der deutsche „Flüchtlingssommer“ so rasch wieder verging (article in German)

Magdalena Ratajczak & Katarzyna Jędrzejczyk-Kuliniak
Muslims and Refugees in the Media in Poland (article in English)

Christine Horz
“Teach Syrians how to live here, to communicate, how to exchange information and knowledge”. Interview with Monis Bukhari, Founder and Director of Syrisches Haus (article in English)

Carola Richter, Marlene Kunst & Martin Emmer
Flucht 2.0: Zur Forschung mit/über Flüchtlinge und ihre Mediennutzung (article in German)

Susanne Fengler, Anna Carina Zappe, Markus Behmer & Veye Tatah
Journalism in a Global Context – Perspektiven für Afrika und Herausforderungen für Europa (article in German)

Lina-Marie Wintzer
Die visuelle Darstellung von Migranten – Wandel und Kontinuitäten im deutschen Mediendiskurs (article in German)