7. April 2013

Right to Peace

The first session of the Open-ended Working Group took place from 18 to 21 February 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland. In her opening speech, Chairperson of the Group Mona Zuficar said that "despite differences, there is growing consensus that the right to peace we are seeking to codify, does not only include negative peace (absence of direct physical violence and war) but also positive peace which addrsses the conditions for just and sustainable peace and enables building an environment conducive to social justice, respectful of human dignity and protective of all human rights" (source)


At its 20th session, on 5 July 2012, the Human Rights Council had adopted resolution 20/15 by which it decided to establish an open-ended intergovernmental working group to meet for 4 working days prior to the 22nd session of the Human Rights Council (25 February-22 March 2013) to progressively negotiate a draft United Nations declaration on the right to peace. 


The draft declaration on the right to peace contains several articles relevant to peace education, including Art. 4 specifically on Peace Education and Training. Relevant documents and statements by Member States as well as non-governmental organizations may be found here.