2. September 2003

Rotary Centers for International Studies vergibt Stipendien

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'With the world\'s second largest economy, Japan will continue to be a key economic and political player on the global stage in the 21st century. This truly is an exciting time for international students to discover all that Japan has to offer. Each year the Rotary Foundation awards up to 70 scholarships for two years of graduate study at one of seven Rotary Centers. Rotary World Peace Scholars complete MA degrees in areas related to international studies, peace studies, and conflict resolution. Approximately 10 Scholars are assigned to study at ICU each year. In addition to Japan, scholars study at universities in Argentina, Australia, England, France, and the United States. Courses at ICU are offered in Japanese and English. Intensive Japanese language training is available to enable scholars to take full advantage of the many extracurricular learning opportunities available to them in Japan.'