16. Oktober 2011

Start-up Scholarships for the Doctoral Program North-South (DONOS)

As part of the doctoral program North-South (DONOS), four start-up grants (21,000CHF/12 months each) are advertised for a start date of April 1, 2012 in the fields of African studies, Islamic/Middle Eastern studies, political science and sociology. The scholarships are meant to support young graduates in the early stages of their PhD, during which they will develop research project proposals for submission to a funding body such as the Swiss National Science Foundation. DONOS forms an institutional framework for teaching and research at the doctoral level in the domain of North-South relations at the Faculty of Humanities. It is part of the International Graduate School (IGS) North-South – an international network of around 20 universities in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Switzerland.


Candidates are expected to be highly motivated to carry out an independent research project of several years as an active member of DONOS and the IGS North-South. A special interest for the scientific debates around the question of North-South relations, both from a disciplinary and an inter-disciplinary perspective, is a prerequisite, as is the readiness to work in the context of research partnerships with developing and transition countries. The scholarships are directed at students holding a Master’s degree or a “Licence/Lizentiat” in one of the DONOS fields or in a closely related discipline, as well as at those who will acquire such a degree by March 31st, 2012.


Deadline for submissions: 4 December 2011


Applications have to be submitted to the DONOS coordinator, Dr. Didier Péclard (, together with the following documents:

• Motivation letter

• Curriculum Vitae (with a list of publications if applicable)

• Academic transcript or excerpt of the study registry

• 1-2 writing samples (at least one of which was submitted as an academic qualification requirement)

• A concept paper of the PhD project (approx. 3 pages).


More information on DONOS can be found here:


More information on the International Graduate School North-South can be found here:

The IGS North-South