11. Mai 2010

The Peace Portal

The Peace Portal promotes non-violent and peaceful solutions by being impartial, open, accessible, respectful, trustworthy, transparent and supporting freedom of expression.

The Peace Portal promotes non-violent and peaceful solutions by being impartial, open, accessible, respectful, trustworthy, transparent and supporting freedom of expression.
Although there is extensive information in the field of conflict prevention and peace building, the Peace Portal accumulates, integrates and analyses this information from diverse sources in one place and makes it available to an audience of varying interests and expertise. The additional value of this information is that comes from civil society and grass root organisations from conflict areas, who are often an ignored source of information. With this information, the Portal intends leading to action aimed at preventing conflict and building peace.
The information on the Portal is aggregated and verified in an open platform, belonging to all participating organisations and individuals. The interactive features of the Portal support communication and collaboration within and across organisations as well as individuals. The Peace Portal facilitates civil society cooperation online: allowing users to interact, discuss, build networks and start communities on issues of specific interest. The users also have the opportunity to publish material and reports, contributing to conflict prevention and peace building knowledge base.
What can you find/do here?
The Peace Portal can be used:
- To easily access extensive information on conflict prevention and peace building (including real time and user generated content)
- To come in contact with various actors in the field of conflict prevention and peace building
- To record or find conflict prevention activities (such as trainings, events, etc.) in a specific country or region
- To be informed of information and developments in conflict prevention and peace building relevant to you in your personalised dashboard
- To create and/or join communities on topics of common interest
- To collaborate with others via discussion forums, Wiki, blogs, producing content
The Peace Portal is an initiative of the European Centre for Conflict Prevention (ECCP) supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and the City of The Hague. The Peace Portal has been developed in partnerships with other civil society organisations, inside and outside the Netherlands.
