Warfare, Environment, Social Inequality and Peace Studies
The Warfare, Environment, Social Inequality and Peace Studies (WESIPS) Conference will be held at the Center for Cross-Cultural Study in Seville, Spain on May 29-30, 2015. This interdisciplinary symposium seeks papers addressing one or more of the following topics: prehistoric/modern warfare, ritual violence, biodiversity, natural resource utilization, past and present cases of environmental degradation/sustainability, egalitarianism, advent of social inequality, conflict resolution, and prosocial behavior.
The University Press of Florida will review Conference papers for possible publication.
Abstracts must be submitted electronically via the link below.
For Abstract Guidelines and Abstract Submission go to:
Deadline for abstract submissions: October 1, 2014.
Notification of abstract acceptance will occur by November 7, 2014.
Additional links:
Conference Home Page: http://www.spanishstudies.org/wesips-conference.html
Registration information: http://www.spanishstudies.org/wesips-registration.html
Advisory Board: http://www.spanishstudies.org/tl_files/files/pdfs/ADVISORY%20BOARD%20WESIPS.pdf
Optional Guided Tour: http://www.spanishstudies.org/wesips-conference-optional-tour.html
Lodging: http://www.spanishstudies.org/wesips-conference-lodging.html
Informational video: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10200845459526116&set=vb.57218502143&type=2&theater
For more information contact:
Dr. Richard J. Chacon
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Series Editor for Springer's Anthropology and Ethics
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, SC 29733
Office: (803) 323-4656
E-mail: chaconr [at] winthrop [dot] edu ( chaconr [at] winthrop [dot] edu)