29. Juli 2006

XI. Workshop on Aggression

Dear colleagues,
We are honoured and pleased to invite you to the XIth 'Workshop on Aggression', which will take place from 2-4 November, 2006, at the Philipps-University Marburg, Germany.
The Workshop provides a forum for scientists from different countries and disciplines to present and discuss their research on basic and applied aspects of aggression and violence. It is an important goal of the Workshop to promote discussion about how basic and applied research can profit from each other, and how knowledge about aggression and aggression reduction can be put into practice.

Dear colleagues,
We are honoured and pleased to invite you to the XIth 'Workshop on Aggression', which will take place from 2-4 November, 2006, at the Philipps-University Marburg, Germany.
The Workshop provides a forum for scientists from different countries and disciplines to present and discuss their research on basic and applied aspects of aggression and violence. It is an important goal of the Workshop to promote discussion about how basic and applied research can profit from each other, and how knowledge about aggression and aggression reduction can be put into practice.
A special aim of the Workshop is to offer the opportunity of presenting work in progress or recently finished research projects. Both empirical and theoretical work is welcome. Oral presentations and posters can be submitted in German or English.
As in former years, we have invited prominent keynote speakers to different topics. We are happy to announce that we will have the chance to welcome Craig A. Anderson from Iowa State University, USA, Sabine Otten from University of Groningen, Netherlands and Georges Steffgen, University of Luxembourg.
The deadline for submissions of posters and papers is 31 August, 2006.
You will find more information about Marburg, accommodation and the program on our homepage.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Marburg in November.
The organizing team
Ulrich Wagner, Gunnar Lemmer, and Oliver Christ
(extracted from the invitation).