25. Juli 2022

Exploring customary peacebuilding practices in local Egyptian communities

Within the ifa-Synergy-Funding-Program, CRISP Berlin has been working with the Egyptian Social Enterprise Madad on exploring customary peacebuilding practices in Egypt, an approach to peacebuilding that is not widely investigated.

Through a study trip conducted independently by the founder of Madad to the different governorates, they have documented and analysed the traditional conflict resolution mechanisms that have been long adopted by the local communities in these governorates, where the findings are to be categorized and the best practices are to be extracted and disseminated.

They imagine these valuable findings not just as a subject of dissemination, but also as a basis for further studies in this field, with a possibility of replicating in different contexts to create a comparative approach to customary peacebuilding techniques and potentially developing trainings and workshops on the topic.

They would be glad to meet, share and discuss with you their findings and potential follow up ideas. Attached is the factsheet with further details on the project.

If you would like to get in touch with the project team, you can contact Dina Farid: farid@crisp-berlin.org