Glossary for critical racism and power analysis in conflict transformation
The impact of colonialism continues to be felt today, forming a global pattern of power that can give rise to social inclusion or exclusion through the interplay of privilege and discrimination. European societies have also been socialized hierarchically as a result of colonization, which continues to shape their thinking and actions to this day. For this reason, decolonization is of great importance in the former colonial powers. The prerequisite for this, however, is a recognition that racism is a manifestation of social conflict. It is therefore important to understand that: Racism is not only a subject of conflict, but potentially also a cause and driver of it. Critical racism analysis and intersectionality can help raise awareness about conflict in order to reflect on the resulting invisibilization of marginalization, and also on the social notions of “normality”.
This glossary is intended to bring together the main terms and approaches in the field of critical racism and power analysis in order to support a conflict transformation discourse on the ways in which critical thinking with regard to racism and power-can be strengthened in the concepts, methods, self-conceptions and attitudes of conflict transformation.
This publication is part of the “Transforming peace work. Challenging racism and power structures in peaceful conflict transformation” project of the Platform for Peaceful Conflict Transformation.