Niklas Balbon, Fennet Habte, Philipp Rotmann, Julia Friedrich, Younna Christianse

Building Peace, the Feminist Foreign Policy Way: Good Practices

How can a feminist foreign policy translate into more feminist ways of funding and supporting conflict prevention, stabilization and peacebuilding?

As Germany – the largest peacebuilding donor globally – joins the club of governments explicitly committed to implementing a feminist foreign policy, its ambition and success in mainstreaming a ​“feminist way of peacebuilding” will have important consequences for the field as a whole. In so doing, Berlin can build on plenty of experience from other governments, but even more so from feminist civil society actors and activists around the world.

This report from the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) written by Niklas Balbon, Fennet Habte, Philipp Rotmann, Julia Friedrich and Younna Christiansen provides an initial overview of good practices and their underlying logic: real-world examples in which at least some principles of an inclusive feminist foreign policy have been put into action.

Niklas Balbon, Fennet Habte, Philipp Rotmann, Julia Friedrich, Younna Christianse
Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi)