Managing Conflict - Building Peace
Strengthening Capacities of InWEnt Scholars - Pilot Study in the Philippines; Schriftenreihe des Seminars für Ländliche Entwicklung
InWEnt is in the process of developing concepts for integrating conflict management and peace building into its overall programme. This study contributes to this process by assessing InWEnt scholar potential for conflict management and peace building…in the context of the pilot study conducted in the Philippines; by giving an overview of selected organisations working in the field… especially through training in Germany as well as in the Philippines. In a second section the study provides a comprehensive manual for the conduct of introductory workshops into conflict management.
Beate Holthusen; Nike Durczak; Claudia Gottmann; Ulrich Häusermann; Britta Krüger; Bela Pyrkosch
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerische Fakultät