Civil Peace Service (CPS) Moderator or moderator team for an interagency expert exchange on the topic of "Enviromental Peacebuilding", Wittenberg, Germany
The Civil Peace Service (CPS) is looking for a moderator or moderator team for the preparation and implementation of an interagency expert exchange on the topic of "Enviromental Peacebuilding", Wittenberg, Germany.
1. Backround
The Civil Peace Service (CPS) is a programme aimed at preventing violence and promoting peace in crisis zones and conflict regions. It strives to build a world in which conflicts are resolved without resorting to violence. Nine German peace and development organisations run the CPS in cooperation with local partners. The CPS is funded by the German Government. CPS experts support people on the ground in their commitment for dialogue, human rights and peace on a long-term basis. Currently, more than 350 international CPS experts are active in 45 countries.
The Civil Peace Service (CPS) is looking for a moderator or moderator team for the preparation and implementation of an interagency expert exchange on the topic of "Enviromental Peacebuilding" with representatives of CPS member organisations, partner organisations and CPS experts.
2. Aims of the planned exchange
- Participants will gain a common understanding of the different approaches, opportunities and challenges of environmental peacebuilding.
- Participants will learn from each other about different perspectives and approaches to similar problems.
- The expert exchange provides a sound overview of the current state of work and expertise of the CPS as well as the current challenges in the field of EPB.
- The exchange will provide insights into whether the topic of EPB is creating new demands on professionals or project management.
- The participants will present concrete practical examples, which will be documented and thus enrich the previously theory-heavy discussion in the field of EPB.
- Concrete recommendations and options for action for policy-makers, consortia and providers in the field of EPB will be developed at the expert exchange.
3. Format of the professional exchange
- The professional exchange will take place bilingually with interpretation with approximately 35 international participants. Either in Spanish and English or in French and English. The decision will be made according to the participants before the first meeting.
- The professional exchange will take place from 20-25.10.2024 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg. The 20.10.2024 is the day of arrival and the 25.10.2024 the day of departure.
- In addition, we are planning 2-3 digital preparatory meetings with the participants to prepare the content of the exchange. The meetings should take place in spring and summer 2024 and last 1.5-2 hours each.
4. Tasks of the moderation
- Development of a content-related and methodical concept for the implementation of the events together with a CPS preparation team.
- Guiding the content, designing the process and moderating the events in English
- Support in securing results and documentation
5. Necessary and desired qualifications of the moderator
The following qualifications are necessary for the awarding of a contract:
- Proven experience in the methodological and content-related preparation as well as in the moderation of international professional events.
- Business fluent knowledge of English.
- Knowledge of the field of civil conflict transformation.
Further desirable qualifications are:
- Knowledge of the languages French and Spanish
- Experience and knowledge in the field of Enviromental Peacebuilding
- Knowledge of the CPS and its working methods
6. General conditions, content of the offer, award criteria and deadline for submission of offers.
6.1 General conditions
- Close cooperation with the coordinator CPS Knowledge Management and a CPS preparation group in the planning with primarily digital preparation meetings.
- The assignment is expected to comprise 15 fee days, 8-9 of which will be implementation days. In agreement with the client, additional fee days for further preparatory and/or follow-up work can be agreed upon. These optional days will be ordered separately in writing by the client.
- Any travel expenses incurred for a possible joint preparatory meeting and for the exchange of expertise can be settled separately in accordance with the German Travel Expenses Act (Bundesreisekostengesetz).
- The place of performance is Lutherstadt Wittenberg.
- The unrestricted right of use of the results of the order, including the right of publication (print and digital), further processing, passing on and alteration goes to the client. Published products may be used as a reference by the contractor.
- Compliance with the Client's applicable data protection regulations and confidentiality are agreed.
- In all other respects, the provisions of the German General Conditions for the provisions of services (VOL/B) shall form the basis of this order.
6.2 Required content of the offer
Please use the attached german bid form for your bid and supplement it with meaningful references that provide information on the qualifications described in point 5. References may be submitted in German or English.
6.3 Award criteria and deadline for offers
Only complete offers submitted on time will be included in the evaluation. Timely availability within the performance period from 01.10.2023 to 31.12.2024 is assumed. The award criteria are firstly the price and secondly the quality of the references.
Please send your offer by 24 September 2023 to:
Samuel Stauß or by post to: AGDF e.V. Samuel Stauß
Endenicher Str. 41, 53115 Bonn, Germany Bids must be received by September 24th.
If you have any queries regarding the call for proposals, please contact:
Samuel Stauß,